Participatory Installation
July 2017
"Video Buttons:Dimension"is a participatory installation, which can be either placed outdoor or indoor. Plastic buttons with functions such as "fast forward" stick on wall-like surface, allow and encourage passerby to press and play with. Camera recording the process by the side. Video footage are edited followed by the directions people gave in the video itself through pressing the buttons. This piece disturbs the sense of boundary between virtuality and reality, by transferring elements and its functions from our video watching experience into physical context.
Click to view:
Dimensions: Video Buttons (July 26, 2017)
Dimensions: Video Buttons (July 26, 2017 part2)
“按钮”是一个参与型装置和影像的结合,完整展出时状态包含两部分:1.参与型装置。2. 影像 参与型装置:模仿视频播放键的系列亚克力红色按钮,贴/挂在公共场合或展览空间的墙壁上。信息牌指示路人/参与者随意触摸按动这些按钮。按钮对面放置摄像机录像。 影像内容:将之前路人/参与者触摸按钮的的视频素材按照路人通过按钮给出的命令剪辑,例如快进健触碰一下加快一倍播放速度。 此作品将真实世界和虚拟世界时间线和指示方向进行了反向操作:视频内人物通过按钮给出的指示操纵视频呈现在外的样式。作品意在回应现今这个虚拟与现实高度交合的时代。