Once Upon A Time

Participatory Installation


December 2020

A set of tents with video playing on screen inside was installed in a outdoor space. Each one played a different video of a child telling a story. Let the children tell stories to adults. Audience were invited to sot in the tent and spent their time. The tent created a space for a role reversal experience between parents and children. This piece was inspired by treehouse and play house, a children’s game.

This installation was exhibited in several plazas and parks in Shanghai.

这件作品由一组帐篷和征集来的小朋友 讲故事视频组成。公众可进入帐篷休息 玩耍。作品灵感来自森林中的树屋和小朋友常玩的“过家家”游戏。 作品通过窄小的半封闭空间给参与者以 安全感,与外部环境区隔开。参与者进入 帐篷后,在此这个特定空间内,借由循环 播放的小朋友讲故事视屏,让大人一小 朋友在这个空间内产生一次身份的“互 换”。产生类似童年“过家家”游戏的体验。 作品意在通过回溯童年行为给住宅区的 居民带来温暖,并给社区内的亲子提供 提供休息的场合。
